The Actor Model Beyond Akka With Kyo
Damian Reeves
The Actor Model is a well-known concurrency model that treats everything as an actor—a single-threaded message processor capable of changing its behavior in response to messages and state.
Initially popularized by Erlang, where it is a foundational capability of the language and the BEAMplatform, the Actor Model later gained traction on the JVM and .NET through Akka.Kyo is a relatively new effects library for Scala that leverages Scala 3’s features to offer a novelapproach to effects.
By bringing capabilities-based effect tracking to Scala, Kyo provides a modernapproach to implementing the Actor Model. In this talk, we will explore Kyo's approach to the ActorModel and how it offers a broad set of capabilities and effects, presenting a contemporary methodfor implementing the Actor Model.